Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Bye Bye Blair

Rock on maaan!

May 1st, 1997. Tony Charles Lynton Blair becomes the youngest British prime minister in history.

May 1st, 2007. Tony Charles Lynton Blair announces his departure from office, as one of the most controversial political figures of the modern age.

Yes. Today, at a rally for the upcoming local elections, Mister Blair announced that he would be handing over power to Chancellor Gordon Brown "in the next few weeks."

David Camerooney...About time too. Although Tony does make a great fool for jokes (What's 12 inches long and hangs off an arsehole? Tony Blair's tie) you can only get so much humour out of one man and his cabinet. I think it's time we brought in some new meat. David Cameron is already depicted as a pompous buffoon with a posh accent. And "Mighty" Ming Campbell is, well, dead - or at least scarily removed from what many would call 'real life.'

Mighty Ming will crush you!Cameron has also been criticized on a regular basis for being "too Tony Blair" and a few handfuls of Conservatives are hating the fact he's changing things too much. However he isn't too Tony now is he. He rides a bike to work for one. And it also seems to despise the number one man, he said today:

"Tony Blair's time as prime minister started with great hope but has ended with disappointment.

"It is clear that he has done some good things like making the Bank of England independent.

"But 10 years ago he promised '24 hours to save the NHS'.

"Today, community hospitals face closure, the NHS faces more job losses than ever, maternity units are under threat, it is difficult to find an NHS dentist, and junior doctors are being treated appallingly."

He does have a point. Blair's failures far outweigh his successes.

Just a few more weeks people. A few more weeks and Blair (with Prescott in tow) will be dragging their cases from Downing Street for the last time. Gordon Brown will take power, only to find that Blair acted like the drug taking, rock out youth he once was for a laugh. And Brown will find gun and graffiti ("Blair 4eva!") spray painted round the walls of the PM's office.

Good times, eh?



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