Monday 9 April 2007

28 Weeks Later

The Revenge of the Rage

The sequel to the "Ooh! Wasn't that good!" movie, 28 Days Later, quietly was announced sometime ago I can't remember! Not directed by Mister Danny Boyle, but Spanish man Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, it tells the story of how, in 2003 (set 28 weeks after the original film, surprisingly) the American forces move into the UK, take control of London and aim to repopulate the place. Whilst wiping out the rest of the rage-ridden scum. (Rage is the name of the infection, just so you know.)

The place is in turmoil. The youngest kid in Britain is a poultry 12 years, and god bless if there's more than a million folks left. They manage to fit them all into one building... ONE FREAKING BUILDING!!!

Of course, like everything else, it's only a matter of time until the Americans make a complete hash of everything. Their health-checks miss out one woman who's got the bleedin' infection. (And you pay for that health system to!) She goes bonkers, people go crazy and the U.S. Army react the only way they've been trained to do. They kill everyone.

And so us Brits are left yet again, fending for ourselves while out American "allies" try and execute us using their fancy-schmancy weapons technology. And think about it, this is 2003! Aren't they supposed to be like, killing innocent Iraqis? Why are they killing innocent Brits too?!

Frankly I can't wait! :D



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