Shock horror! Google goes wrong!

Yet another contradictory blog post
Earlier today search engine giant magnate corporation with nice teeth Google did something that no one on earth expected to happen. They screwed up. SHOCK HORROR! IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE WHEN THE CENTRE OF ALL INFORMATION GOES WRONG!
If you haven't heard - that's people who don't read The Register - Google's Personalised Homepage service, found here. Went and did a runner, per se. A currently unknown number of users either had their pages reverted back by many months or had them wiped altogether. I use Google Homepage. And I was, quite happily, not affected.
But that's not what this blog entry is about is it! It's about how a slip up by one company can blow the world to smithereens. The web has (almost, just wait) gone crazy over how the company that just became the most powerful company in the world has gone and lost what must be a few servers of data. Data that just vanished into thin air! Gone! Poof! Zero! Zilch! Complete zippo!
Amazingly none of the tabloid news sites have declared it an "OUTRAGE" yet. In fact not many sites have shown it up at all. Nearly all discussion regarding the problem has been on blogs and discussion boards.
Google have told people affected to not do anything, as that won't help the situation. So if you are affected: Don't do anything. If you're affected in the sense that your brain is currently in "OMFG THIS IS WRONG!!!1111" mode then please put a bucket over your head and jump into a river, you're not helping.
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